Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2017
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Free web-based flight planner debuts


December 9, 2017 by General Aviation News Staff Leave a Comment

Seattle Avionics has introduced FlyQ Online, a free web-based flight planner for PC and Mac, with dozens of new features.

FlyQ Online, a companion to the FlyQ EFB app for iOS, has been in public beta testing for some time with a focus on easy yet flexible flight planning, fuel prices, and group management for flight departments.

The new version adds time-based weather planning, a Profile view, and export to popular apps and devices, including ForeFlight, Garmin panels, and other systems.

“FlyQ Online is a web-based app that combines the extremely powerful flight planning pioneered by our first award-winning product, Voyager, with the ease of use, speed, and modern design of FlyQ EFB,” said John Rutter, president. “This new release, with the addition of the weather timeline, altitude slider, profile view, and export features, brings new dimensions to modern flight planning.”

Timeline that allows users to see how weather is expected to change over time. This includes METAR and TAF depictions, Winds Aloft, and AIRMETs/SIGMETs;
Profile view shows a “side view” of the flight in terms of terrain, airspace, and weather;
Export options including PDF, Dynon (GPX files), Google Earth (KML files), FlyQ EFB, and ForeFlight;
Helicopter and Gulf of Mexico Charts;
Animated and static radar;
Surface winds, temps, precip, visibility, etc.;
Detailed TFRs including sports TFRs, color-coded to differentiate between current and upcoming TFRs;
Altitude slider that shows how winds-aloft and AIRMETs/SIGMETs vary at different altitudes;
Settings Save remembers which map layers each user selects;
Mass export, import, and deletion of Personal Waypoints;
Ability to file flight plan legs individually.
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