Samstag, 16. März 2019
  1 Antworten
  5.6K mal gesehen
Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of Ioannina International Airport "King Pyrros" I am forwarding to you the revised version of the airport guide "Why IOA.pdf", shared on the link below:

The guide is being updated every month, thus providing more specific information to any who it may concern, including changes and any relative updates. The link to googledrive is dynamic, so every new version can be found by just clicking on it.

Additionally, our Airport Authority in cooperation with the Hotels' Association of our Prefecture has managed to sign discounts for AOPA members for several local buisiness branches, such as hotels, restaurants, commercial shops etc. The list can be found attached on this e-mail. Every discount is applicable upon showing the AOPA member card.

We would like to thank you for choosing Ioannina Intl Airport for your refueling-customs needs during the summer season and all of your members that choose our area as their holiday destination. Still after Fraport's discounts in general aviation fees for the following summer, we remain much cheaper for pilots and airplanes, as we still run under public status and no prior permission request is needed for your arrival, concluding in much less cost.

We look forward to continue our cooperation.

Best regards,

Efthymios Serbis
Air Traffic Controller
vor etwa 5 Jahren
Guten Morgen,

habe Themis berichtet, daß ich sein Schreiben weitergeleitet habe. Womit ich nicht rechnete, war seine Antwort:

Robert mein Freund,

Es ist immer schoen von dir zu lesen! Danke fuer deine Antwort und deine Hilfe. Ich hoffe dass wir schon weiter zusammenarbeiten!

Beste gruessen,


So muß Fliegen sein ... Freude am fliegen und Freunde an vielen nur erdenklichen Orten finden ...

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Euch einen traumhaften Sonntag!

LG Robert :D
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