Freitag, 11. Oktober 2019
  1 Antworten
  2.6K mal gesehen
METAR KDEN 092053Z 00000KT 10SM FEW100 FEW120 SCT200 28/M11 A2959 RMK AO2 SLP947 T02781111 56033=
vor etwa 5 Jahren
Location: KDEN
Latitude: 39°51'30"N - Longitude: 104°40'01"W.
Magnetic declination: 7.86°E
Sunrise: 13:36 UTC
Sunset: 23:48 UTC
Report emitted the day: 09, time 20:53 UTC
Saturday 9 November 2019 21:53 local time.
Wind: Calm
Minimum horizontal visibility: 10 statute miles (16093 meters).
Clouds: A few (1-2 oktas), at 10000 feet above aerodrome level (3048 meters).
Clouds: A few (1-2 oktas), at 12000 feet above aerodrome level (3658 meters).
Clouds: Scattered (3-4 oktas), at 20000 feet above aerodrome level (6096 meters).
Temperature: 28 degrees Celsius (82 Fahrenheit). Dewpoint: -11 degrees Celsius (12 Fahrenheit). Relative humidity 7.01 %.
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 29.59 inches (1002 hPa).
Additional information:
Automated observation with precipitation discriminator (rain/snow).
Sea level pressure: 994.7 hPa (29.37 inches).
Temperature: 27.8 degrees Celsius (82 Fahrenheit). Dewpoint: -11.1 degrees Celsius (12 Fahrenheit).
Atmospheric pressure now lower than 3 hours ago. Decreasing then steady; or decreasing then decreasing more slowly. Variation is 3.3 hPa (1 inches).

Nur Fliegen sind schöner

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