Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2020
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Liebe Streckenflieger,

hier eine Veranstaltung für Erwachsene:

Andorra (LESU) - Santa Cruz (LPSC) - Casablanca (GMNN) - Fes (GMFF) - Melilla (GEML) - Castellon (LECH - Cannes (LFMD) - Bihac (LQMD)

Proposed dates are from 19th till 29th June 2020. The provisional route for Memorial Hans Gutmann Tourist Rally
Flight 2020 will be:
• Starting point: your home base
• Gathering point: Andorra (LESU)
• Portugal: Santa Cruz (LPSC)
• Gibraltar (LXGB)
• Morocco: Casablanca (GMNN) and Fes (GMFF)
• Spain: Melilla (GEML) and Castellon (LECH)
• Finishing point: France, Cannes (LFMD)
• Afterparty: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bihac (LQBI)
(the specific airports are subject to change)
Total distance: ca. 2400NM. The rally is classified as Category 2 by the FAI-GAC (General Aviation Commission) and is equal to European championship.

Interesse? Dann schmiert schon mal ordentlich die Kolben und meldet Euch an. Bin schon auf großartige Bilder gespannt ...

LG Robert
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